Leader Guide

Word Game

  • Whiteboard or chalkboard  
  • Marker or chalk and eraser

Draw a crown on the board, similar to the illustration shown in the activity. Place the correct number of blank lines on the board for the first word. The crown can be very simple and does not need to be in color.

Let’s work together in this game to keep the jewels on Esther’s crown! Are you ready for the challenge?  

This is played as a large group. Each blank line represents one letter of the word you have chosen from the list. If there is more than one word—Queen Esther, sackcloth and ashes, King Xerxes—leave a gap between blank lines and tell children the number of words they are guessing. One child guesses a letter they think is part of the word. If it is correct, write in the letter above the blank and go on to the next child. Note: if a letter is contained multiple times in a word, write it in all of the places it is used—i.e. for the word “queen,” write “e” twice. If a letter guess is incorrect, erase one jewel from the crown and write the incorrect letter at the bottom of the board for children to see so they will not guess it again. Continue until there are either no more jewels left—in which case the group loses that round, or the word is completed or guessed before all of the jewels are removed—the group wins the round. A child may guess the complete word only on their turn if they believe they know it. Be careful; an incorrect guess erases two jewels! Do not allow children to shout words while others are playing, as this is disrespectful and takes away from the game experience.


  • Change the challenge level by increasing or decreasing the number of crown jewels from word to word. For example, place fewer jewels on smaller words.
  • Insert one letter or two letters of a word or phrase at the beginning of a round to make solving the puzzle easier.

Word List—they do not have to be played in this order. Begin game with smaller words:

  • Help
  • Fast
  • Throne
  • Palace
  • Purpose
  • King Xerxes 
  • Queen Esther
  • Queen Vashti   
  • Mordecai
  • Scepter 
  • Banquet  
  • Sackcloth and ashes
  • Royal ring
  • Decree 
  • Jewish people 
  • Haman
  • Fulfill
  • Such a time as this
  • Courage
  • Boldness
  • Most High

Conclusion: That was fun. You were good at figuring out the words. God worked in Esther’s life to fulfill His purpose through her. God Most High has a purpose for each of us, and He helps us fulfill it!