Leader Guide

Coloring Page

  • Esther Coloring Page  
  • Crayons, markers, or colored pencils
  • Table   

Make copies of the Esther Coloring Page, one per child plus extras for visitors. 

Give each child a coloring page along with crayons, markers, or colored pencils. As the children color, ask the following questions:

  • Who can say the SuperTruth from memory? Have volunteers try.
  • Very good! Let’s all say it together: “God will help me fulfill His purpose.”
  • Was it easy for Esther to go see the king without being asked?
  • Why not? 
  • How did the king react when Esther approach his throne? It pleased him greatly to see her.
  • What did he do before she could speak? Held out his scepter.
  • Can anyone say the first part of the SuperVerse from memory? I cry out to God Most High.
  • Can anyone say the second part of the SuperVerse? To God who will fulfill His purpose for me.
  • Let’s say the whole verse together:

I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill His purpose for me.

If time permits, have volunteers show their pages to the class.

Conclusion: These are all very colorful pictures; nice job! Remember that God will help us fulfill His purpose in our lives!