Leader Guide


  • An 18" length of string, yarn, or ribbon for each child—girls may like to use ribbon, but boys would probably prefer string or yarn

Do you think some people are so strong and smart and brave they don’t need to pray?

What about Jesus?

Jesus is God’s Son and did mighty miracles, like walking on water and bringing dead people back to life. Yet the Bible tells us that He often went away to spend time alone with God. If God’s Son needed to pray, do you think we should, too? Yes.

Listen as I read from the Bible, then tell me, how did Daniel pray? Daniel 6:10b–11 says:

He prayed three times a day … giving thanks to his God … and asking for God’s help.

What are some reasons we don’t pray? Too busy, forgetful, don’t believe God is powerful.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Give a piece of string — or ribbon — to each child.

How many times did Daniel pray every day? Three.

Let’s each tie three knots in our string.

As children are working, continue: Three times a day may seem like a lot, but the Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17:

Never stop praying!

What are some times that we can pray? Mealtimes, bedtime, when we’re happy or worried, anytime!

Do the prayers have to be long and complicated? No.

A prayer can be just one word—like “Help!” Let’s tie a few more knots to remind us to think about God and pray throughout the day! After they have tied several knots, have the children help each other tie the string around their wrists.

Each wristband is a circle—and a circle never ends. Let’s wear these as a reminder of the verse,

Never stop praying!

Next time, I’ll ask when you remembered to pray—and how God answered!