Leader Guide


  • A beanbag or similar item
  • Optional: masking or painter’s tape

Tape or mark a starting line on the floor.

Today, we are focusing on courage. What does it means to have courage? To face a fearful, difficult or painful situation with confidence and bravery.

Now, we are going to play a game where you must have courage to win!

Have the children stand on a designated starting line at one end of your area. Select one child to be the lion who will stand at the opposite end of the room with his or her back to the children. Place a beanbag about 2 feet behind the child. While the lion’s back is turned, the children move quickly and quietly as they try to sneak up and retrieve the beanbag. When the lion says: “Hear the mighty lion R-R-ROAR!” and turns around on the word “roar,” no one can be moving—the children must stand like statues. The lion may say the sentence in a variety of ways—quickly, slowly, or with pauses between words. If the lion sees someone move even the tiniest bit, that person is sent back to the starting line. The first child to grab the beanbag is declared the winner and becomes the lion for the next round of play.

Our SuperVerse, Psalm 37:5, says:

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.

Why can we trust God? He is all-powerful, He sees the future, He is never wrong, He loves us.

God has a plan for our lives, and when we trust Him, He will lead us, guide us, give us courage, and provide everything we need—no matter what we go through. We can be confident because Jesus won the greatest victory—He died for our sins and rose from the dead! When we ask Him into our hearts, He comes into our lives and gives us His courage and power.