Leader Guide

Dominoes Game

  • Set of dominoes
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Today, we are going to talk about how our actions can influence other people. Do you remember the video in our last lesson about Chris at the skateboard park? What happened when he finally stood up to the bully? Other boys and girls started to support him.

When others saw his courage, they were inspired to do the right thing, too. But it took one person who was willing to go first!

Now think about how Daniel chose to follow God’s way instead of the king’s law. How did Daniel influence King Darius? He admired Daniel and was sorry that he had issued a decree about prayer. King Darius became a believer in the Living God.

Let’s see what the king told everyone in Daniel 6:25–27. Read and discuss:

Then King Darius sent this message to the people of every race and nation and language throughout the world: “Peace and prosperity to you! I decree that everyone throughout my kingdom should tremble with fear before the God of Daniel. For He is the living God, and He will endure forever. His kingdom will never be destroyed, and His rule will never end. He rescues and saves His people; He performs miraculous signs and wonders in the heavens and on earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.”

To show you how just one person can affect many others, I brought some dominoes. Set up several dominoes on end and in a row, then push over the first domino. It only takes one domino to start a chain reaction—just like Chris and Daniel did in our story. In the same way, you can influence others around you by your example and your actions.

Let’s say our SuperTruth: “God will help me stand up for what is right.”

Divide the children into two or three groups; give each group a set of dominoes; and allow a few minutes for them to have fun making lines of dominoes and watching them fall.