Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Large trash bag or apron
  • Two uncooked eggs—in case one accidentally breaks—preferably not organic
  • Marker
  • 6" x 1" piece of cardboard
  • Masking tape
  • Paper towels
  • Wet paper towels
  • Heavy weight, about 10 pounds

Make a plastic apron by cutting a hole in the bottom of the trash bag to go over your head, plus two armholes, one on each side.

Using the magic marker, draw a face on each egg with the small end of the egg on top.

Make an egg holder by overlapping the ends and taping the cardboard to form a circle. It should be a little smaller than the larger part of the egg, so it will stand up.

Try the experiment ahead of time so you can do it easily.

Stand up to Pressure: Use an egg to demonstrate how to withstand peer pressure.

Daniel was a man of good character. Who knows what that means? He listened to God and not to those around him. He made good choices.

Do you think our character can influence those around us? Yes.

What are some examples of how we might be influenced by someone else? 

Have you ever been dared to do something—and told that if you don’t, you are a chicken or a coward? 

What would you do if someone dared you to do something dangerous, like running across a busy street or jumping into a lake when you didn’t know how to swim—that would be foolish, wouldn’t it? Yes.

What if your friends said you had to dress a certain way or change your hair if you wanted to be in the “cool” group?

That’s called “peer pressure”—and sometimes it’s hard to stand up against it.

Lay some paper towels on a table. Cover your clothes by putting on the trash bag “apron.” Pick up the egg. Do you think this egg would break if I squeezed it or set a heavy weight on it? Yes.

Why? Eggs are delicate. The shell is too thin.

If I am not careful how I handle the egg, it will break. Let’s pretend this egg is you!

Put the egg in the cardboard egg holder with the small end up. Gently place the weight on top of the small end of the egg and remove your hands. The egg should not break.

As long as we stand up to peer pressure, we stay strong and we will not break. Take the weight off the egg; remove the egg from the holder; and place it on its side. But when we bow down to peer pressure or a false god, doing something to be accepted or being in the cool group, we lose our strength. Place the weight on the egg; the egg should break after a few seconds.

When we stand up for what is right in a world filled with tests and trials, we are like Daniel. Daniel was a man of integrity. He was trustworthy, loyal and faithful. King Darius recognized Daniel’s character and saw how God protected him—and the king gave Daniel a place of great influence. God wants you to be strong and stand for what is right.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God will help me stand up for what is right.”