Leader Guide


  • Small balls—tennis balls, racquetballs, rolled up socks, etc., one per five or six children
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk
  • Timer—clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, timer app
  • Music player—mobile device, CD player, MP3 player, etc.
  • “The Salvation Poem” or another upbeat Christian songs   

Write the names of the three Hebrew men on the board: Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.

Cue up the song(s) you will use during the game. Make sure you understand how to use the controls to start and stop the music.

Let’s find out who knows the answers to the two bonus questions from our video.

1. How many times hotter did the king tell his servants to make the furnace? Seven.

2. How many instruments were played before the people worshiped the statue? Six.

How many of them can you name? Six: horn, flute, zither, lyre, harp, pipes.

Great job watching and listening to the video! Today, our game is similar to an old game called “Hot Potato.” The name of our game is “Hot, Hot, Hot!”

Before we play, let’s look at the board and practice saying the names of the three Hebrew men—Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego.

Divide the class into groups of five or six children, and give each group a ball. The game is played like hot potato, with each child catching and tossing the hot coal—ball. Hold a ball up and then juggle it, as if it is hot.

Each of these balls represents a hot coal from the fiery furnace. I will start the music and you will play until the music stops. The person who is holding the coal, or who tossed it last if no one is holding it, is out of the game. You don’t want to hold onto it very long, but before you can toss it to someone else you must say the name of one of the three Hebrew men. Does everyone understand how to play?

Now, be careful because the coals are seven times hotter than normal!

Start the music and stop it after about 10–15 seconds. Continue starting and stopping the music at longer and shorter intervals. Play until there is one person left in each group. Play additional rounds as time permits so children who were eliminated early get another chance to play.   


  • Play the game with each child saying only half of a name: “Shad-rach, Me-shach, Abed-nego.”
  • Play the game saying the SuperTruth instead of the names.
  • Have all the children who won the first round assemble into a new group for the next round to determine the grand champion.