Leader Guide


  • 80 paper plates; OR 8 identical flying discs; OR 12 identical round plastic storage container lids
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • 12 plastic water bottles with caps
  • 12 ounces of water
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser

Pour about 1 ounce of water into each plastic water bottle and seal the tops.

Set up the bottles in two triangle patterns like bowling pins, with three bottles in the first row, two in the second, and one in the third. Leave several feet between the two triangles.

Mark or tape two lines about 10–12 feet from the triangles.

Make the discs using one of these options:

1) Use 80 paper plates. Make two stacks of ten plates each; tape each stack on four sides without compressing the plates, as the edges should be as thick as possible. You may add plates to make the discs roll even easier. Place the edges of two stacks together with the bottoms of the plates on both sides facing outward; tape together. Repeat to make the other discs.

2) Use 8 identical flying discs. Tape two discs together with their flat edges facing outward. Repeat to make the other discs.

3) Use 12 identical round plastic storage container lids. Tape three together to make one disc. Repeat to make the other discs.

Practice rolling a disc so you can demonstrate to the class. Place the disc on its edge on the floor, then give it a guided push. This works better than dropping the disc onto the floor with an underhand toss.

Why did the wise men run away and hide from the king’s guards? The king ordered them all to be killed because they said it was impossible to tell him the dream and its meaning.

Why was Daniel not afraid? He knew God would protect him and give him the answers to the king’s request.

What did Chris roll down the palace hallway to distract the guards? A disc.

Chris thought his intergalactic bowling experience would help him roll the disc. We are going to play a game called Disc Bowling. You will roll a disc like Chris did, with one small difference. You won’t roll it past the guards; you will roll it at the guards—to try to knock them over! The water bottles represent the palace guards who have come to arrest you. Your job is to knock over as many guards as you can. All players roll two discs on their turns.

Divide the children into two even teams. One child may need to play twice. Each team forms a separate line behind the mark, opposite their team’s set of water bottles.

Demonstrate how to roll the disc properly by placing the disc on its edge on the floor, then giving it a guided push. This works better than dropping it onto the floor with an underhand toss.

Give two discs to each team. Teams will play at the same time.

A player rolls a disc toward the bottles. Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers clear away any bottles that are knocked over before the same player rolls the second disc.

One point is scored for each bottle knocked over. If a player knocks over all six bottles on their turn, they score double (12) points.

After rolling two discs, the player takes a turn resetting the bottles in a triangle pattern for the next student.

Play until each child has a turn to bowl. Tally the points. The team with the most points wins.

Conclusion: How did you like bowling with a disc instead of a ball? You really knocked over a lot of guards! Let’s learn more about King Nebuchadnezzar and his wise men.