Leader Guide

Basketball Game

  • Twenty-five sheets of cardstock
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Scissors or paper cutter
  • Two medium-size baskets, boxes, or other same-sized containers
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Sixth grade helpers to keep score

Note: Afterward, keep the scrolls and baskets for a game in Lesson 3.

Cut the 25 sheets of cardstock in half width-wise so you have 50 pieces measuring 8.5" x 5.5". Roll each piece vertically into a scroll (5.5" long). You may roll several at a time, then separate them. Secure each “scroll” with a small piece of tape. Optional: have children roll the scrolls before the game.

Create the game area usingtape and baskets. Refer to the diagram for set up.

What happened in the palace library when Joy, Chris and Gizmo arrived unexpectedly? They knocked over scrolls and tablets that were stored in jars and baskets.

It was quite a mess! Now Daniel needs some help picking up the scrolls that were scattered around the palace library floor. And I think you are just the ones to help him!

Divide the class into two equal teams. One player may need to play twice.

On each team, have children choose someone they don’t know very well to be a partner.

Teams will stand behind the line.

Scatter the 50 scrolls on the floor; 25 on each side of the middle line.

Demonstrate how to quickly pick up a scroll, walk to the line, and throw it in the basket.

Two players from each team will play at the same time in a 30-second round.

Players can pick up only one scroll at a time, then move to the end line and try to throw it into the basket. Playersmay not cross the end line.

Each scroll in the basket scores five points. Each scroll that makes it over the line but does not land in the basket counts as one point.

After the round ends, the points are tallied and written on the board.

The four players who just finished their turns (twofrom each team) now scatter the scrolls on the floor for the next round.

Continue until all players have played. The team with the highest score wins.

Smaller classes may have only one player on each team play each round.

Conclusion: You did a great job cleaning up the place! I am going to suggest that Daniel give each of you a promotion! Daniel and his three friends worked very carefully and diligently to record the king’s documents and records, even as slaves in Babylon. When we do everything for God’s glory, no matter where we are or what we are doing, He will bless us. He can show us great and mighty things as we obediently serve Him and others.