Leader Guide

Scroll Activity

  • Twenty scrolls from Lesson 1 Scroll Basketball game. If not available, see the instructions and materials in Lesson 1 to make the scrolls for this activity
  • Two medium-size baskets, boxes, or other same size containers, also used in Lesson 1

Raise your hand if you were here for the lesson when we helped Daniel pick up the scrolls that spilled. We are going to help Daniel again, using a different way to place the scrolls in the basket. Call up a volunteer to demonstrate how to pass a scroll properly.

This game is so easy, I think you can do it with one hand behind your back! Hmmm, let’s see if that is really true! In this game, players must pass ten scrolls, one at a time, to the next player, using just one hand. And you must keep your palm up with your hand and fingers straight the entire time! Hold one arm out with your palm up. Have the volunteer do the same.

You must keep your other arm behind your back, or at least by your side. You can never use it during the game.

The first player takes a scroll from the floor by sliding a hand underneath it, with palm up and fingers straight. Carefully pass it to the next player’s hand—which is also palm up with straight fingers. The two players can raise, lower, or tilt their arms to maneuver the scroll as long as their hands are kept flat, palms up, and fingers straight. You cannot bend your fingers to grab or hold the scroll at any time. Demonstrate passing the scroll back and forth several times.

Does that look like a fun challenge to you?

Divide the children into two equal teams and have each team form a circle. Players should stand at arm’s length from the player on either side of them.

For each team, place a basket or box between two children. Place a pile of ten scrolls next to each basket or box.

The first player on each team begins lifting scrolls from the floor one at a time and passing them to the next player. Scrolls are passed around the circle until the last player drops them into the basket or box.

Players must keep one arm behind their backs and the other hand palm up with fingers straight at all times.

The first team to move all of their scrolls from the pile to the basket wins. If a scroll falls to the floor, the player who was passing it must pick it up and pass the scroll again.

Conclusion: That looked fun. You actually can play with one hand behind your back! Daniel worked faithfully for the king of Babylon and gained favor with him. Even in captivity, no matter what he was doing, Daniel knew that God was near him and always heard his prayers.