Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Pencils or washable markers
  • Sheets of paper—one per child plus extras 
  • Two containers—clean wastebaskets, boxes, 5-gallon buckets 
  • Optional: masking tape

Place the two containers at one end of the room. Leave about 5 feet between them.

Mark or tape a starting line about 15–20 feet from the containers. 

In our story today, why did Jonah run from God?

What do you think God was trying to show Jonah by choosing him to bring God’s message of mercy to the Ninevites?

How did Joy’s attitude change about punishing the girl who stole the bike after seeing how God dealt with Nineveh?

God’s mercy is for all people—no matter who they are or what they have done—if they will only turn to Him and repent of their sins. God’s mercy is for each one of us in this room and all over the world. Nineveh was a wicked nation that sinned against God, yet when they repented, God chose to show them mercy, not punishment. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God wants to show mercy to all people.” Now, let’s play a game about God’s mercy!      

Give a sheet of paper and a pencil or marker to each child. Have each child write “Mercy” on the top of the paper, with his/her first and last name in large letters underneath. Divide the class into two equal teams. Children should crumple their papers into balls and place them in their team’s container. Mix the balls up in each container and have each team stand single-file behind the starting line.

Our game is based on Hebrews 4:16:

Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive His mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most.

Isn’t that exciting? When we come to God, we will receive mercy, grace and help!

Now, here is how we play this game. These containers represent God. He is merciful, and as you can see, the containers are full of mercy! When I say “Go,” the first player from each team walks quickly to their team’s container and opens up the crumpled balls until they find the “mercy balls” with their names! You then must re-crumple all the balls you removed trying to find yours and put them back in the container. Then, walk quickly back to the line with the “mercy” you received and the next player takes a turn. The first team that receives mercy for all their players wins, but both teams need to finish the game.

Conclusion: When you were looking through the papers, did anybody see the words punishment or judgment?

Did you ever doubt that there was mercy in the container for you?

What did each of you find when you went to the box representing God? Mercy!

Yes, mercy—with your name on it! God is loving, compassionate, and full of mercy. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God wants to show mercy to all people.” Now, let’s learn more about God’s mercy that we receive through Jesus Christ.