Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Jonah did not want to take God’s message of mercy and forgiveness to the Ninevite people, yet he wanted God’s mercy for himself. How do you feel about that—is that the attitude we should have as followers of Christ?

Matthew 5:7 says,

God blesses those who are merciful, for they will be shown mercy.

As followers of Christ, we are to imitate what He did on Earth. Jesus was merciful to unbelievers and believers alike. Jesus showed mercy to those who were rejected and judged. We are to show that kind of mercy to all people, too! When we do this, we are blessed with God’s mercy.

Our SuperTruth says: “God wants to show mercy to all people.”

Have everyone sit quietly on the floor and close their eyes. Ask children to pray silently and ask the Holy Spirit to show them someone who needs God’s mercy. It could be at school, church or home. It may be someone they don’t like or who has mistreated them. Jonah did not like the Ninevites, yet God sent him to bring them a message of mercy and repentance. Tell the children to pray silently and ask to be filled with God’s mercy and love for any people the Holy Spirit reveals to them. As part of the challenge, have them continue to pray and show God’s mercy to that person and others until our next lesson. 

Close in prayer. Dear God, thank You for showing us mercy by sending Your Son, Jesus, to Earth. Through Him, we can come boldly to Your throne and receive mercy and help in time of need. Help us to show that same love and mercy to those around us. In Jesus name, Amen.