Leader Guide

Dodge Ball Game

  • Four or six sponge or foam balls
  • Permanent marker
  • Optional: painters’ or masking tape  
  • Timer: clock or watch with second hand, stopwatch, or timer app
  • Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers

Write “Mercy” on each ball.

Create a playing field similar to the illustration using tape or marking it off with objects.

Recruit sixth grade helpers or other volunteers to keep score.

Let’s all say the SuperTruth together again: “God wants to show mercy to all people.” We have been discussing how God sent Jonah to bring a message of God’s mercy to the city of Nineveh. We also have learned that when you give mercy to others, you will, in turn, be blessed with mercy from God. 

We are going to play a game of giving and getting mercy. This is played like the game of dodge ball with one very important difference. Hold up a ball. You DO want to be hit with the mercy ball—in fact, you want to be hit as often as possible!

Divide the class into teams of four or six children, depending on the size of the class. One team will play at a time. Each team will divide in half and SIT on opposite sides of the lines—Side A and Side B on illustration. Give each child a foam “mercy” ball.

The area between the lines is the Mediterranean Sea, where Jonah was tossed overboard. You cannot go into it or you will sink; unless of course, God sends another big fish to save you! If balls land in the sea, teams that are not playing may retrieve them. Give the balls to the teams, say “Go,” and start the time. Play for one minute per round. Both sides will throw the mercy balls at each other at the same time. When a player is hit, one point is scored. The goal is to get hit with mercy as many times as possible. Players may stand up only to retrieve a ball but must sit down again before throwing it. After one minute, record the points and have the next team play. Play until all teams have played. The team with the most mercy points wins.

Conclusion: What did it feel like to hit someone with mercy and then to get hit with it in return?

God wants each of us not only to receive mercy, but to give it to others.