Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Three small sticks of different lengths
  • Three pieces of clay pottery of various sizes or colors, to differentiate from each other
  • Coin

Our Bible Background video talked about casting lots, which was in our Superbook video.  

Read Jonah 1:7:

Then the crew cast lots to see which of them had offended the gods and caused the terrible storm. When they did this, the lots identified Jonah as the culprit.

The practice of casting lots occurs many times in the Old Testament and a few times in the New Testament. Casting lots was used to make a choice or decision and at times to determine God’s will.

Display the individual items as you speak. Sticks of various lengths could be drawn from a container without looking to see who picked the smallest one. Or, as we saw in the video, pieces of clay of various colors or sizes and shapes could be drawn from a bag to make a choice.    

Do you think casting lots is a good way to make decisions or find out what God’s will is today?

No! The people in the Old Testament time did not have the same gifts and resources that we have today! How do you think we can determine God’s will or make a wise choice?

Yes, we can pray and ask God for wisdom. We can listen to the Holy Spirit inside of us, and we can read God’s Word. Today, we do not need to—nor should we—rely on practices like casting lots or tossing a coin in the air to make wise decisions or choices. Hmmmm, I wonder if I should show mercy or not; heads I do, tails I don’t. Flip coin in the air and catch it. No, that would be silly!

Read James 1:5a: 

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you.

When we ask for wisdom, God will generously give it to us. How can we hear what God is saying to us? The Bible, the Holy Spirit speaks to our hearts, through prayer, etc.

Now, let me ask you a question. Do we have to pray to see if it is God’s will to show others mercy? No!

How do you know? Today’s SuperTruth.

Yes, we learned that God wants us to show mercy! How about one more way? Does anyone remember a verse we talked last time, Luke 6:36?

Let me give you a hint: “Therefore be merciful, just as …“Therefore be merciful, just as your Father also is merciful.”

God reveals His will in His Word, and this verse makes it clear that He expects us to be merciful.

Close in prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we don’t have to cast lots or use any other practice as they did in Bible times to know Your will. Thank You for Your Holy Spirit living in us, guiding us, and giving us wisdom. Thank You for Your precious Word that reveals Your will to us! In Jesus’ name, Amen.