Leader Guide

Bible Study

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk

Write the Bible passages and questions on the board. 

Our SuperTruth says: “God wants us to show mercy.” Sometimes showing mercy isn’t the popular or convenient choice. Jesus went out of His way to show mercy to others and gave us an example to follow. We must choose to show mercy even when others disagree.      

Divide children into groups of three. Give each group a scripture passage to look up. For large classes, more than one group will have the same passage. Each group will look up, read, and discuss their passage to answer the questions listed below. Then open it up for class discussion.     


1. Who needed mercy?

2. What was the need?

3. Did everyone want to show mercy? If not, why not?

4. How was mercy shown?

Scripture Passages—do not write italicized words on board:

1. Matthew 20:29–34  Blind men.   

2. Luke 22:32–43  Thief on the cross.

3. Mark 8:1–9  Feeding crowd of 4,000.

4. Luke 19:1–9  Zacchaeus.

5. Matthew 14:13–21  Feeding crowd of 5,000.

Conclusion: Jesus always showed mercy even when those around Him didn’t understand. We must always strive to show mercy, even when it is not the most popular or convenient thing to do.