Leader Guide

Bible Study

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk
  • Sticky notes or pieces of paper to mark Bibles
  • Index cards, eight per team of three children; OR, you may use four cards per team and cut them in half vertically
  • Pencils
  • One pair of scissors
  • Timer: clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, or timer app

Volunteer helper or assistant to tally the score on the board. 

Write team names or team numbers on the board to keep score. 

Divide the class into teams of three children each, or two children each for smaller classes, and assign each team a name or number. Try to put visitors and children with disabilities on teams with children who can help them answer the questions. Give each team eight index cards and a pencil. Have children mark the book of Jonah and Matthew 12:38–41 in their Bibles, using sticky notes or pieces of paper.

In this game, I will ask questions about the Signposts in our story, and each team will find the answers in the book of Jonah and in Matthew 12:38–41. Everyone on the team will need to do something. One player should look up the answer, one player should write it on the card, and one player should quickly bring the card to me—all within 20 seconds! Your team will receive a point for each correct answer. Oh, and to make it more interesting, I will tell you exactly how to bring me the card—a different way each time. Are you ready to play? 

Stand at one end of the classroom and have teams sit at the other end. Read the question and then start the time. Give 2 points to each team with the correct answer. If a team takes longer than 20 seconds to bring you the card, they can still score 1 point if the answer is correct. Read the teams’ cards aloud, and have a helper tally points on the board for each question. If teams have too much difficulty meeting the 20–second deadline, you may lengthen the time. The team with the most points wins.

1. Bring the card to me by skipping. In Jonah chapter 1, verses 10–17, what did the sailors do after they threw Jonah overboard and saw that the storm stopped? Saw God’s great power, offered a sacrifice, vowed to serve Him.

2. Bring the card to me by walking sideways. In Jonah chapter 2, when Jonah cried or called out to the Lord, what did the Lord do? He heard him, He answered him.

3. Bring the card to me by tiptoeing. In Jonah chapter 2, what happened to Jonah after he prayed to God in the belly of the fish? Fish spit him out, fish vomited him out on dry land.

4. Bring the card to me by hopping on both feet. In Matthew 12:38–41, Jesus said the people did something after Jonah preached to them. What did they do? Repented, repented of their sins.

5. Bring the card to me by balancing it on the top of your head. In Jonah chapter 3, verses 6–10, what did God do when He saw that Ninevah had repented and stopped doing evil? He relented; He changed His mind about punishing or destroying them.

6. Bring the card to me by balancing it on your forehead. Children can use their hands if necessary. In Jonah chapter 4, verses 1–10, Jonah told God why He ran away from Him. He said that he knew God was what? Name two of the things Jonah said to describe God. Full of mercy, grace and compassion, merciful, loving, slow to anger, full of kindness.

7. Bring the card to me by hopping on one foot. In Matthew 12:38–41, what did the religious leaders ask Jesus to show them? Miraculous sign, miracle, sign.

8. Bring the card to me by walking backward. In Matthew 12:38–41, Jesus said that just as Jonah was in the fish for three days and three nights, Jesus would be somewhere for three days and three nights. Where? Heart of the Earth, tomb.

Conclusion: You did a great job using your Bibles and working together as teams! We have learned a lot about God’s mercy, and how Jesus showed us His mercy by dying on the cross.