Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Like Elisha’s servant, we cannot see God’s protection around us in the spiritual realm with our physical eyes; yet He is there!

This reminds me of God’s promise to us in Psalm 34:7:

For the angel of the Lord is a guard; He surrounds and defends all who fear Him.

God is our defender; He is for us and protects us. With God by our side, we are never outnumbered. No matter whether we are at school, on the bus, or somewhere new or unfamiliar to us; God is with us and for us.

Let’s take some time to pray silently and thank God for being for us and with us. Share with Him any places or situations that may cause you to be afraid. By faith, see God and His angels surrounding you. Ask Him to defend you, to remove any fear, and to replace it with His peace.

After children have had time to pray silently, close in prayer. Dear God, You are always with us even when it seems everyone is against us. We do not need to be afraid! Help us to remember we are never outnumbered because of Your presence in our lives. You promise to personally go before us, and to never leave or abandon us. Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen!