Leader Guide


  • Large and low container, kiddie pool, or wash tub
  • Water to fill the container about halfway
  • Towels for spills and to place the wet objects on
  • Gather as many of the following objects as possible so each child has a chance to use a different item. Substitute and add your own objects as desired; make sure that some sink and some float. Make sure all items cannot be harmed by water and are completely safe for children to handle: Penny, nickel, dime, quarter, rock, mulch chip, metal spoon, metal fork, metal bolt, metal nut, metal washer, key, metal earring, metal pen, bar of soap, small metal screwdriver, metal horseshoe, metal wrench, metal paper clip, toothpick, plastic bottle cap, plastic spoon, craft stick, feather, glue stick, guitar pick, clarinet reed, plastic golf ball, ping pong ball, rubber ball, bouncy ball, whiffle ball, unsharpened pencil, twig, small branch, walnut or peanut in the shell, etc.
  • Bag to carry the above objects

Place the container on the floor or on a table, and fill about halfway with water.

Have towels ready to mop up any spills and to dry wet items after they have been used. Sit down with the children in a large circle around the container so everyone can see the experiment.

In the Bible story, Elisha performed a miracle and caused the iron ax head to float. Why was it a miracle? Iron doesn’t float.

Exactly! Now we all are going to participate in a fun experiment. Hold up the bag of items. In this bag are a number of items. Some will float and some will sink. You will each have a turn to select an item from the bag and guess whether it will float or sink. Then everyone will vote by raising your hands if you think it will float. If you don’t think it will float, keep your hands down. Ready?

Have the child on your left stand and select an item from the bag.

Optional: you may have each child reach into the bag without looking to select an item.

The child will then guess out loud whether the item will float or sink.

Now take a “float vote”: ask the other children to raise their hands if they think the object will float. They should keep their hands down if they think it will sink.

The child will then place the object in the water so everyone can see if it floats or sinks. Continue this way for each object until everyone has had a turn.

Leave the objects in the water if possible; to make room, you may need to remove some items and place them on a towel.

That was really interesting! Did anyone guess all of the items correctly?

Which items surprised you with the results?

How are all of the metal objects alike? All of the metal objects sank.

Most metal objects cannot float, unless they are shaped like a boat. An iron ax head is a solid chunk of heavy metal; it is not physically possible for it to float. However, God caused it to float! Why would God do this? To help one of His followers, to show His power, to show others that He was with Elisha, etc.

Good answers! God did a miracle and brought glory to His name. God can do anything, even what is humanly impossible!