Leader Guide


  • True and False Sign Patterns
  • Four marbles
  • Four empty paper towel tubes
  • Painters tape or masking tape
  • Whiteboard and marker or chalkboard and chalk, to keep score

Make a copy of the True and False Pattern.

Stand up the paper towel tubes a few inches from a wall. Leave about a foot between each tube.

Place a mark/line about 12 feet from the tubes.

We are going to play a fun review game in which you will have two chances to earn points. You will receive three points if you are the first to answer a question correctly. You will have a second chance to score points by rolling marbles to try to knock over the tubes. What do the tubes represent?

The tubes represent the trees the prophets were cutting down near the Jordan River. You are going to help cut them down! Now, if you are the first to answer the question correctly, you can roll the marbles while your eyes are open. If you aren’t the first to raise your hand, or if you guess incorrectly, you must close your eyes as you roll your marbles. Are you ready to play?

Divide the children into two teams. They do not need to be equal.

Have the first player on each team step up to the mark/line. Give each player two marbles. Ask a question from the True and False list. The first player to raise a hand can answer the question.

A correct answer scores three points and the player can roll the marbles with eyes open.

The other player must roll the marbles with eyes closed—like a blinded Syrian soldier.

If a player answers incorrectly, that player must roll the marbles with eyes closed. The other player may then roll the marbles with open eyes.

One point is scored for each tube knocked down.

The players must then retrieve the marbles and set up the tubes again as the next two players step to the mark.

After all the questions are asked, the team with the most points wins.

True or False Review Questions

  1. Elijah struck the Jordan River with his ax to divide it. (False—his cloak.)
  2. A large bird appeared in the sky to take Elijah to heaven. (False—a chariot.)
  3. Elisha asked for a double serving of stew. (False—double share of Elijah’s spirit.)
  4. Elisha picked up Elijah’s sandal that fell when he was taken to heaven. (False—Elijah’s cloak.)
  5. A man lost his saw in the Jordan River. (False—ax head.)
  6. Elisha performed a miracle by God’s power so the ax head floated to the surface. (True.)
  7. The Syrian king was upset because Elisha kept warning the king of Israel about the Syrian army’s location. (True.)
  8. The Syrian soldiers surrounded the town of Bethlehem to capture Elisha. (False—the town of Dothan.)
  9. Elisha’s servant woke in the morning and saw the Syrian army. (True.)
  10. Elisha told his servant not to be afraid. (True.)
  11. Elisha prayed that the Syrian soldiers would be blinded. (True.)
  12. Elisha led the blinded Syrian soldiers to the Jordan River, where they drowned. (False—he led them to Samaria.)
  13. Elisha asked God to open the soldiers’ eyes once they were inside Samaria. (True.)
  14. Elisha told the king to give the Syrian soldiers food and drink. (True.)
  15. Following the feast, the Syrian soldiers were thrown into jail. (False—they were sent home.)

Conclusion: Great job everyone! You remembered a lot from the Bible story. Elisha is a powerful example of God’s Spirit giving us protection and power!