Leader Guide


Make a copy of the God’s Army Pattern for each child plus extras.

Give each child a copy of God’s Army Pattern and crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers. Have the children find the hidden army in the picture, then color the page.

Lead a discussion using the questions below as the children work on their pictures.

  • Imagine you are Elisha’s servant. It is early in the morning and you have just woken up. You look outside and see the Syrian soldiers surrounding Dothan. What would you do first? Panic, freeze, yell for Elisha, run inside, pray.
  • Have you ever been in a situation where you felt outnumbered; how does that feel? Hopeless, scared.
  • What should we do when we find ourselves in an uncomfortable situation? Pray and trust God, ask for His help. Believe that He is with you even though you can’t physically see Him.
  • Can you describe a time when you felt God’s presence and protection even though you couldn’t see anything with your physical eyes?

When children are finished, allow them to share their pictures with the class