Leader Guide


  • Response Signs
  • Heart Pattern
  • Bag or tote
  • Optional: cardstock
  • Chariot and Cloak Pattern for children who missed Lesson 1
  • Bible or Superbook app

Make one copy each of the two Response Signs and the Heart Pattern on cardstock if possible.

Attach the Heart Pattern to the outside of the bag or tote. Place the two Response Signs in the bag.

For the Discipleship Challenge: make copies of the Chariot and Cloak Pattern on cardstock for children who missed Lesson 1. See Lesson 1 for details.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will show love and mercy to all people.”

Can someone tell me what mercy means?

Mercy is showing kindness and compassion to someone even when the person doesn’t deserve it. Can you tell me someone who shows us mercy? God.

How does God show us mercy? He sent Jesus to die for our sins even though we didn’t deserve it. He did this instead of punishing us. He forgives all of our sins.

Before Elijah was taken to heaven, he visited several important places. Each time, Elijah told Elisha to stay back. And each time, Elisha responded that he would not leave him. Elisha was faithful and determined to stay with his beloved mentor whom he called his father. Elisha’s faithfulness was rewarded when he saw Elijah taken up to heaven. (See 2 Kings 6:1–15.) What did Elisha receive? A double share of God’s Spirit that was on Elisha.

God’s Spirit empowered Elisha to do many amazing miracles and to show mercy and kindness to others—even his enemies. He had a heart to follow God.

Hold up the bag with the heart on it. This bag represents our hearts. Inside us is a struggle with how we respond to others. Pull out and hold up the two signs. We can choose to follow the leading of God’s Spirit, or we can choose our own selfish, natural desires.

Read Galatians 5:17,25:

17 The sinful nature wants to do evil, which is just the opposite of what the Spirit wants. And the Spirit gives us desires that are the opposite of what the sinful nature desires. These two forces are constantly fighting each other, so you are not free to carry out your good intentions. 25 Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

How did Elisha respond to the man who lost the ax head; with anger and resentment, or with love and mercy? Hold up the two signs.

Yes, Elisha showed love and mercy. How? He performed a miracle to make the ax head float so the man could get it.

It’s easy to show love and mercy to our friends and family. How about our enemies?

When the Syrian soldiers surrounded Elisha, what did he do? He asked God to strike them with blindness.

Hold up the two signs. Was he acting out of anger and revenge, or with love and mercy?

Well, let’s think about that. At first, striking soldiers blind doesn’t sound like a nice thing to do. Yet Elisha could have asked God to strike them dead! Instead, he followed God’s Spirit and showed mercy and kindness. Later, he asked God to open their eyes.

When the enemy soldiers were trapped in the city of Samaria, how did Elisha respond? He told the king to give them food and drink and then sent them home!

Hold up the two signs. We face the same choices about how to respond to people. We can follow our own selfish desires and respond with anger and revenge. Or, we can choose to follow the Holy Spirit and respond with love, mercy and kindness.

This is too hard to do in our own strength. We need the power of God’s Spirit living inside us to give us the strength to make the right choice. God is always faithful to love us and show us mercy and kindness every day. Jesus loves us so much that He died for us. As His followers, we want to be like Him. When we trust Him, He will help us show His love, mercy and kindness to others—even our enemies!

God is full of mercy and kindness. In our Discipleship Challenge, we will learn how to discover even more about God’s character.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Display the model craft that you made. Give a Chariot and Cloak Pattern to any children who missed Lesson 1 so they can complete the craft at home.

The challenge for Lesson 1 was to read Jeremiah 33:3:

“Ask Me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.”

Did any of you think or talk about this verse at home?

Did you seek more of God in prayer?

What have you learned about God as you’ve prayed?

Continue to seek more of God in prayer. The Bible tells us that when you come close to God, He will come close to you! (See James 4:8.)

The Lesson 2 challenge shows us another way that we can seek more of God—by reading our Bibles. God wants to reveal Himself to us in His Word. Your challenge is to look up and discuss Psalm 119:18 at home. Try reading your Bible each day. I suggest that you start with the book of Mark, which is fairly easy to read. Ask the Holy Spirit to open your eyes to see wonderful truths about the Lord! You will also have a chance to share what you found the next time we meet.

If time permits, have children look up and read Psalm 119:18:

Open my eyes to see the wonderful truths in Your instructions.