Leader Guide

Cup Game

  • SuperTruth Cup Sheet
  • Eighteen disposable cups; larger cups are ideal
  • Permanent marker
  • Two sixth grade helpers or other volunteers to be team leaders
  • Optional: two tables
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Eraser

Make two copies of the SuperTruth Cup Sheet.

Turn cups upside down. Use the permanent marker to write each word of the SuperTruth on two cups in large letters.

Place a starting mark near one end of the room, where the teams will stand.

Place a second mark about 15–20 feet away, where players will race to assemble the SuperTruth.

Mix the cups and place them in one pile centered between the two marks.

Optional: place two tables by the second line, where players will assemble the SuperTruth with their cups. Or, players may build the SuperTruth on the floor.

Naaman was a proud man when he knocked on Elisha’s door. Naaman believed he knew how he would be healed. He thought Elisha would meet him and pray as he waved his hand over Naaman. Naaman needed to learn to be humble when things didn’t go as he expected. Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will learn to be humble at all times.”

Naaman needed to obey all the instructions from Elisha. In this game, you must obey the instructions your team leader gives you to build three patterns.

Divide the class into two teams, each with a mix of older and younger children. Teams do not need to be exactly equal. Have them line up at the starting mark.

Select a sixth grade helper or another volunteer to be the leader for each team, and give each team leader a SuperTruth Cup Sheet.

Team leaders will tell players which cups to get from the pile, and in which order, so players can quickly create the SuperTruth exactly as shown on the SuperTruth Cup Sheet.

The game is played relay-style. One player on each team plays at the same time.

Start the game. The team leader will give verbal instructions about which cup to find and where to place it.

Optional: team leaders may show the players the pattern on the sheet.

Each player will walk quickly to the pile, find the cup with the correct word, and take it to the line on the other side of the room. They will then place the cup on the table or the floor in the correct position with the word visible.

That player then walks quickly back to the team and goes to the end of the line. The next player in line then takes a turn until the SuperTruth is completed.

If one team finishes before the other, players must wait patiently for the other team to finish.

After both teams complete the pattern, both teams shout the SuperTruth together.

The leaders quickly gather up all the cups and place them together in a pile in the middle again.

Start the game and have the children build the next design.

Optional: play as a large group. Use a timer and play two rounds. The group tries to beat their own previous time assembling the three patterns.

Conclusion: The instructions in the game were just for fun. In our lives, we will find important instructions in the Bible that we must follow. When we follow God’s instructions with a humble attitude, we will experience God’s grace in our lives!