Leader Guide


Bibles or Superbook Bible App

The SuperVerse for today is James 4:6b:

As the Scriptures say, “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.”

A prideful person desires the attention of others. They want to be recognized, praised, and take all the credit for their success. Humble people do not call attention to themselves. They give praise to others and thank them for contributing to their success. Have children stand or sit facing the board.

We are going to play a game about pride and humility. You will get to move around as we play—up and down to be exact! I will read some scenarios or situations, and you will each decide whether someone acted in a proud or humble way.

If you think the person in the scene was proud: stand on your tiptoes and wave your arms in the air to bring attention to yourself as if to say, “Hey! Over here! Look at me!” Let’s all practice that now.

If you think the person in the scene was humble: sit on the floor, lower your head and put both hands out in front of you, palms up, as if to receive God’s grace. Let’s try it together.

Now here is the first scenario!

After you read each scenario below, allow the children a moment to make their choices, then ask the following questions.

Why did you choose “proud”? Can you give an example of what a humble response might be?

Why did you choose “humble”? Can you give an example of what a prideful response might be?

1. A soccer player just scored the winning goal in the championship game. A reporter interviews him. He talks about how everyone doubted him and how he worked hard to get to this moment. Was it a proud or humble response? Children stand up or sit down to indicate their responses.

2. A student receives the highest grade on a test. The teacher holds up the test and shows everyone. The student takes the test paper, thanks the teacher, smiles, looks at the test, and then places it in his or her backpack. Was it a proud or humble response? Children stand up or sit down to indicate their responses.

3. Five students work on a science project together as a group. When the project is complete, one student presents it to the class. The teacher and many students congratulate the student for the excellent presentation. The student smiles happily to receive all the praise, never mentioning the group. The student walks back to his or her seat, glances at the group, and does not say anything. Was it a proud or humble response? Children stand up or sit down to indicate their responses.

4. A boy in the school orchestra plays a solo in the concert. The audience gives him a standing ovation and he bows several times during the applause. While walking out of the auditorium, the boy shoves the instrument into his mom’s hands to carry and never speaks to her. He then walks at a fast pace, always a few steps ahead of her as they go down the hall and out of the building. Was it a proud or humble response? Children stand up or sit down to indicate their responses.

5. A girl is an excellent artist. Many of her drawings have won prizes and awards. She is interviewed on the local TV news. The girl talks about how God gave her the talent and ability and that her uncle, who is an artist, has tutored her since she was a little girl. Was it a proud or humble response? Children stand up or sit down to indicate their responses.

Conclusion: You had some very good responses! Matthew 23:12 (cev) says,

“If you put yourself above others, you will be put down. But if you humble yourself, you will be honored.”

When we choose to be humble, God is for us and will give us His grace!