Leader Guide


  • Naaman Puzzle Pattern
  • Cardstock or paper—one sheet per team
  • Small envelopes or sealable sandwich bags—one per team
  • Scissors

Make copies of the Naaman Puzzle Pattern on cardstock if possible; one for each pair of children.

Carefully cut out the pieces for each pattern, scramble them, and place them in an envelope.

Repeat this for each puzzle pattern, taking care not to mix patterns.

Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “I will learn to be humble at all times.”

Can three children each tell me one way that Naaman humbled himself? He listened to the servant girl; he talked with Elisha’s servant, not Elisha; he dipped in the Jordan River; he returned to Elisha and asked for God’s pardon when he bowed to Rimmon with Syria’s king; he chose to worship Israel’s God only.

Why do you think Elisha told him to dip in the Jordan River instead of one of the rivers in Syria?

What would you think if you were Naaman and had dipped six times and were about to dip the seventh time? Would you be excited or worried, and why?

Why might it be difficult for Naaman to obey Elisha’s servant? Why might it be even more difficult for him to obey the servant in front of his own officers?

Now, we are going to have a puzzle race. Divide the children into pairs and have them find a place to sit together at a table or on the floor. Give each pair an envelope containing the puzzle pieces but tell them not to open it yet.

Inside each envelope is a set of puzzle pieces. When I say, “Go,” dump the pieces on the floor and work as a team to put the puzzle together. The first team that puts the puzzle together and shouts the SuperTruth wins! Are you ready? Go!