Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse on the board if it is not there already.

Have children sit around you in a circle. God can heal instantly like He did with Naaman. He can also heal over time. He can work through doctors and nurses and hospitals and medicine. God heals our physical bodies in many different ways. God can also heal our minds and our memories when God also provides healing for our sin; it is called forgiveness. When Jesus forgives us, we are forgiven instantly! There is no other way to receive forgiveness and eternal life. Jesus is the only answer. He has the authority and the power to forgive our sins, make us whole, and take us to live with Him in heaven someday.

Let’s close our eyes and think about the SuperVerse. I’m going to say it in a different way—directly to God:“You forgive all my sins and You heal all my diseases.”

Allow time for children to think, pray silently, and ask God to forgive them and heal them or someone they know.

Close in prayer: Dear God, You heal us and make us whole. No one else can do this! Thank You for forgiving our sins. We pray for people we know who are sick and suffering, that You would heal them. Help us not to give up but to continue to pray and seek You. In Jesus’ mighty name we pray, Amen.