Leader Guide


  • “Nothing but the Blood” lyric sheet
  • A contemporary or traditional version of “Nothing but the Blood”
  • Music player—mobile device or CD player, etc.—to play the song

Make copies of the lyric sheet, one for every two children, plus extras.

Have children sit on the floor in a circle around you. Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “God heals me and makes me whole.”

Only God can make us really whole. To be whole means to be everything God created us to be. God created people in His own image, without sin. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were no longer whole. All of us have sinned so to be whole again, we must have our sins forgiven. We must trust in Jesus as our Savior. Then, when God sees us, He sees Jesus’ righteousness, not our sinfulness. We are made whole through the precious blood that Jesus shed on the cross.

Read 1 John 1:7b:

And the blood of Jesus, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.

Read Revelation 1:5b:

All glory to Him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by shedding His blood for us.

Why did Jesus shed His blood? Because He loves us! The blood of Jesus frees us from our sins and cleanses us so we are seen as pure and righteous by God. We are restored to what we were created to be—whole!

Give one lyric sheet to each pair of children to share. This is a hymn that was written many years ago in 1876—yet the words are as true today as they were then. The song is called “Nothing but the Blood.” We are going to sing the hymn together. As you sing the words, think about what Jesus did and still does for you. Consider the price He paid to forgive your sins. You may give children the choice to read the words instead of singing. Discuss as many verses as time allows.