Leader Guide

Matching Game

Make two copies each of the two Naaman Match Card Sheets.

Use scissors to cut apart the individual cards.

Use double-sided copying if possible so a number is on the back of each card. If using single-sided copies: write a different number from 1–16 on the back of each card in random order. The numbers should be upside-down to the pictures on reverse so when the card is flipped up along its top edge, the picture will be right-side-up.

Tape the cards on the wall in numerical order; four rows of four cards. As an option: Place the cards flat on the floor or lean them against a wall.

Review the text, 2 Kings 5:1–19, and video 3, the Bible Story, to familiarize yourself with the scenes as needed:

  1. Naaman rescues the servant girl.
  2. Naaman with his wife after the servant girl shared about the prophet Elisha being able to heal.
  3. Naaman with the king of Syria asking to see Elisha.
  4. Naaman at Elisha’s door talking with the servant.
  5. Naaman angry because of Elisha’s instructions given by the servant.
  6. Naaman healed of his leprosy in the Jordan River.
  7. Naaman thanking Elisha after his healing.
  8. Naaman making an altar to worship God at home.

We are going to play a game to match cards with images of the story of Naaman. After each match, we will discuss the image on the card, and the events surrounding it. The team with the most points wins. Are you ready to match?

Divide the children into two teams.

Teams will alternate turns. A team’s turn consists of one child choosing two cards. Flip over each card as it is guessed to show all the children.

If the cards do not match, flip the card back down on the board.

If the cards match, remove them from the board, hold them up for the children to see, and ask for two people to quickly describe something that is happening in the scene—the important events or meaning surrounding it.

Give the matched cards to the player who matched them.

Play until all pairs of cards are removed from the board and discussed.

The team with the most pairs wins.

Conclusion: Great job! It all started with the faith of a young servant girl. Naaman humbled himself and obeyed Elisha’s instructions. He was healed and made whole!

Optional: read 2 Kings 5:14:

So Naaman went down to the Jordan River and dipped himself seven times, as the man of God had instructed him. And his skin became as healthy as the skin of a young child, and he was healed!