Leader Guide

Coloring Activity

Make one copy of the Brook Coloring Page for each child, plus extras.

Safe in God’s Care: Color a page about Elijah by the brook.

Give a coloring page to each child, along with crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers to share. Lead a discussion using the questions below as children color their pages. 

1. Why were King Ahab and Queen Jezebel angry at Elijah? He confronted them about worshiping the false god Baal and declared there would be a drought.      

2. In the picture, Elijah is standing beside the Kerith Brook, east of the Jordan River. Why did he go there? He was hiding from the king; God told him to go there.

3. What did God tell Elijah to do while he was there during the drought and famine? Drink from the brook and eat the food that the ravens brought to him.

4. Elijah needed to trust and obey God when the water dried up in the brook. Where did God send him? To a city called Zarephath, where a widow fed him.

Conclusion: Elijah put his trust in God instead of his own understanding. He put his life in God’s hands during the drought as he fled from the wicked king and queen. Because of Elijah’s obedience, God protected him and took care of his needs in miraculous ways.