Leader Guide

Action Game

  • SuperTruth Card Sets, #1–6
  • Cardstock
  • Scissors 

Make one copy each of the six numbered SuperTruth Card Sets. Cut apart the 36 individual cards and mix all of them into one stack. 

Give and Receive: Teams share what they have to build the SuperTruth.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will share what I have with others.”   

This game is about sharing and receiving from others in return. If the widow had not shared what she had, she would not have received a miracle from God to provide for her needs many times more than she gave. Sometimes it is difficult to give. Yet by holding on to what we have, we can miss a bigger blessing from God. 

Divide the children into six teams of 2–5 children. Teams do not need to be equal.   

Assign each team a number from 1–6. It is important for each player to know their team number! Be prepared to help children with special needs. 

Have each team sit in their own circle in the four corners of the room, and two in the middle. 

The game is played like “Go Fish.”

Shuffle all the sets of cards together, then give each team six random cards.

Each team places any cards with their own team number face-up near the middle of their circle.

Cards with other numbers are turned over and placed in a pile near the center of the circle. (For example, if Team 1 has two cards with the number 1, the team places those two cards face-up, in the order they would be spoken in the SuperTruth; then turns all the extra cards with different numbers face-down so other teams cannot see them.)

The goal is for each team to build the complete SuperTruth using only cards with their team’s number. To accomplish this, teams must share their cards with each other.  

Start the game. One player from each team will go to another team and ask, “Do you have any team number __ cards?” (They only ask for their team number.)

The team checks their extra cards without revealing the card numbers. If they have a card with the requested number, they must give it to the player. If they have more than one card with that number, they should not say so, and only give one card to the asking player.

The asking players then return with the card to their teams and the next players go to ask for a card from a team—either the same team as before or a different team.

Once a team has built the SuperTruth with their cards, they stand up and shout it together.  

Continue until all teams have built the SuperTruth. If time permits, shuffle the cards and play again.          

Conclusion: In this game, your teams could not build the SuperTruth with only the cards you were initially given. You needed to share what you had and also receive cards that others shared with you. That is what our SuperVerse says, “Give, and you will receive.”