Leader Guide


  • Four small transparent storage containers, all the same size   
  • Four empty bowls   
  • Four small scoops or 1/8-cup measuring cups
  • Flourenough to fill two storage containers, plus extra
  • Waterenough to fill two storage containers, plus extra   
  • Two tables    
  • Towels for clean up
  • Optional: large baking trays to catch spills   
  • Optional: timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app

Fill It Up! Play a game to be the first to fill the containers.

You may play this game outside, or put large baking trays on the tables to catch spills. Place flour in two containers and water in two containers. On each table, place a container of water and a container of flour at opposite ends, with two empty bowls in the middle. Put a scoop or measuring cup next to each container of flour and water. See illustration of game setup.

Note: for smaller classes you can play as a large group and a timer to see how quickly the children can fill both containers.

In the Bible story, God miraculously filled the widow’s oil and flour containers. We know that only God can perform miracles; so, that means you need to fill these containers by hand! Two teams will race to fill a container with flour and another container with water to represent the oil. 

First, let’s answer the question about the video in Large Group. Elijah declared that the widow would always have flour and oil in her containers until what happened? Until God sent rain.

Divide the children into two teamsthey do not need to be equal.  

Have each team stand a few feet from a different table.  

Divide each team in half. Have one half make a single-file line by the water container, and the other half make a single-file line near the flour container see image of game setup.   

The object of this game is for each team to fill up both of their bowls—one with flour and one with water. Each player will scoop water or flour from their container and then empty it into the correct bowl of either flour or water. The player will then return to the line and tag the next player. That seems easy enough, doesn’t it! However, there will be a little surprise for you during the game. At some point, I will shout, “Switch!”  Each team will switch lines at their table. Players who were filling the flour bowl will line up by the water bowl, and players filling the water bowl will line up across from the flour bowlthen the game will immediately continue. The bowl is full when the flour or water comes to the very top but does not spill over. Does anyone have any questions?

Let’s try the switch to be sure. “Switch!” Both teams will switch lines at their table.

Okay, I think we are ready now! The first team to fill both of their bowls wins.

Say “Go” to start the game.

Notes and optional play:

·      The leader determines when a container is filled enough to win.

·      As an option, play for a set time and determine a winner for the fullest flour container plus a winner for the fullest water container (may be the same team).

·      Shout “Switch!” multiple times during the game for fun.

·      When teams get close to filling the flour container, stop the game to gently shake the flour container and tap its bottom on the table so it settles, and relate it to the SuperVerse: “Pressed down, shaken together, to make room for more.”    

Let’s say the SuperTruth together. “God provides all I need.”

God performed miracles to provide for Elijah and also for the widow and her son. Let’s see how Elijah’s life and miracles pointed to Jesus.