Leader Guide

Review Game

  • Review Question List
  • Blue bedsheet; or substitute another color, if necessary
  • Four small, smooth pebbles or stones; or four rectangular rubber erasers if the floors are finished wood
  • Sixth-grade helper or another volunteer to keep score and oversee the game  
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score

Make a copy of the Review Question List.

Lay the bedsheet on the floor near one end of the room and several feet from a wall.

Fold it in half loosely and shape it to create a “flowing brook.”  

Place a mark about 10–12 feet from the brook.

Skip the Review! Play a game to review the Bible lesson.

This is the last lesson about Elijah and the widow. So, we are going to play a fun review game to help us remember the important truths we have learned. This is a True and False question review. Raise your right hand for a true answer. Have children raise their right hands with you.    

Raise your left hand for a false answer. Have children raise their left hands with you.    

You score five points for a correct answer. I’m sure some of you have skipped stones into a brook, lake or pond. God told Elijah to hide by Kerith Brook to protect him from King Ahab and Queen Jezebel. You can also score points by skipping or tossing a pebble into the brook. Demonstrate skipping a pebble toward the bedsheet.

Each player is given two pebbles and scores one point for each pebble that lands in the brook or touches it then skips out. Let’s play!

Divide the children into two teams—they do not need to be even.

Have each team line up a few feet behind the mark.  

A player from each team steps up to the mark and answers the same question by raising their right hands for true or their left hands for false.  

Then the players have a chance to toss or skip two pebbles into the brook.

If the floors are finished wood, be sure to use rubber erasers instead of pebbles.

For safety, make sure no one is standing behind the bedsheet during the game.    

Have a sixth-grade helper or another volunteer keep score and also watch closely to see when a pebble touches the brook as it skips over it.   

The players then retrieve the pebbles for the next player in line after the score is tallied.

The team with the most points wins. 

Optional: when the answer is “false,” ask teams for the true answer and award a bonus point if it’s correct. You may also ask additional bonus questions related to the original one.