Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Provision Cards (2 pages)
  • Scissors
  • Six sheets of cardstock
  • Three medium-size boxes
  • Chalkboard and chalk, or white board and marker, to keep score
  • Optional: sixth grade helper to keep score

Make three copies of each Provision Card page on cardstock, in color or black and white—for a total of six sheets with 24 cards.

If there are more than 24 children in the class, make additional sets of cards so there is at least one card per child.

Cut the cards apart.

Keep one set of 12 cards for the game leader.

Shuffle the remaining cards and randomly divide them between the three boxes.

Place the boxes in three corners of the room. 

Found In Christ: Play a game about God’s provision through Jesus.

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Philippians 4:19:

And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from His glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.

Everything we have is because of Christ. Jesus was the perfect sacrifice who took away our sin and put us in right standing with God again. Because of this, we are blessed now on this earth and forever in heaven. If you were here for the first lesson about Elijah and the widow, what did Chris’s mother tell him to do on a Saturday? She gave him a long list of unusual items to buy at different stores.

Hold up the twelve Provision Cards. In this game I have many things that God provides to us through Jesus. Your job is to find all of them in the three boxes located in three corners of the room. 

Divide the class into two teams. Teams form separate lines in the corner of the room with no box.

The leader picks a Provision Card, holds it up and announces the word on the card, then places it face-up on the floor.

The first player of each team walks quickly to any of the three boxes to search for that card.

If the card is not in that box, the player must quickly move to another box until the card is found.

Each player takes the correct card to the leader, who places it on the matching card already on the floor.

The first player to bring the matching card to the leader wins a point for the team.

Tally points on the board.

Play continues as the leader picks another Provision Card for the next players.

The game continues until all twelve cards are collected. The team with the most points wins.

Conclusion: Did you find all of the cards in one place? No.

That’s right; you found God’s provision in different places. God provides for us in different ways and in different places; yet, only through one person—Christ Jesus!  Now, let’s say the blessings that you found today! Hold up one provision card at a time and say each card aloud together.