Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Two tennis balls or other small balls
  • Optional: masking tape

Mark or tape a line about 15-20 feet from a wall.

Note: leave this line in place for a game in the Additional Activities section below.

In our story today, what did you think when Jesus appeared in the clouds with His army of angels?

Things looked dark for awhile before Christ appeared, but Satan was no match for God’s strength and might. How did Chris find the strength to recognize and reject Satan’s lies, and instead, have wisdom to believe the truth of God’s Word? The power of the Spirit of God in him.

We will all face trials and temptations in this world before Jesus comes again. But, we must always remember that God is greater, and His Spirit lives inside of us to help us overcome all that we face!

Divide the class into two equal teams. If teams are uneven, one player can play twice. Have both teams form a line behind the mark or taped line.

Do you remember when Jesus left Earth while His disciples stared into the clouds trying to still see Him?

The angels assured the disciples that Jesus would come back to Earth again! We are going to play a game about something that comes back again, hold the ball up, a ball! This is a game of speed to see which team can quickly have each player roll and catch the ball two times before the other team does.

Give a ball to the first player of each team. The players will roll the ball hard enough so that it hits the wall and “comes back again” behind the line to the next player on their team. That player catches the ball and immediately rolls it to the wall for the next player to catch. Continue in this fashion until each player on a team has done this twice. After a player rolls the ball he/she must move out of the way and go to the back of the line. The last player of each team on the second round will catch his/her own roll to end the game.

Did the ball ever not come back?

You expected it would and watched for it to come back, right?

What would have happened if you weren’t watching? You would have missed the ball.

Yes, Jesus is coming back to Earth again, and we can count on it! We need to be prepared and awaiting His return. We must be obedient to His Word and be doing the work He has given us to do! Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will live my life knowing that Jesus will come again.”