Leader Guide


  • Two balloons, plus extras for breakage
  • Permanent marker

Blow up two balloons and tie closed.

Using the marker, carefully draw a candle and a heart on each balloon.

Our SuperTruth says: “I will help others and show them God’s love.” We are called to show God’s love and light in the midst of the darkness! God did not give us His love to hide it inside. No, Jesus tells us to share it with others!

Read Matthew 5:14–15:

“You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.”

Who is the light of the world? Jesus.

The best way we can show God’s light and love on Earth is to help others with our words and actions. Let’s play a game about sharing God’s light and love with others.

Divide the class into two equal teams. You or an assistant may play if teams are uneven. Have the members of each team stand side-by-side in a line, about 6 feet away from one another. Give a balloon to the first player of each team. They must pass the balloon to the player directly beside them by tapping or volleying the balloon into the air. Each player does this until the balloon reaches the end of the line, then reverses direction to volley the balloon back to the first player. The first team to do so without stopping wins. Be prepared to help children with special needs. Remind the class that they cannot just hold onto God’s love and keep it to themselves—so, no grabbing or holding onto the balloon during the game! If someone grabs the balloon or it hits the ground, the team must start over again.

Good job, everyone! Just like we couldn’t hold on to the balloon and keep it to ourselves, we must look for ways to show or pass on God’s love to others! Our SuperTruth says: “I will help others and show them God’s love.”