Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • SuperVerse Scramble Pattern to make double-sided copies
  • Scissors
  • Envelopes or small plastic bags—one per set of cards

Make double-sided copies of the SuperVerse Scramble Pattern—one copy per two children. If your printer cannot make double-sided copies automatically, print page 1, then turn the copies over, and print page 2 on the reverse side.

Cut out the SuperVerse Scramble cards, shuffle them, and place each set in an envelope or bag. If time permits, you may have each pair of children cut out and scramble their own set of cards. This will eliminate the need for envelopes or bags.

Our SuperVerse today is Revelation 21:4:

“He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

Have children look up and read Revelation 21:3-4 in their Bibles:

I heard a loud shout from the throne, saying, “Look, God’s home is now among His people! He will live with them and they will be His people. God Himself will be with them. He will wipe every tear from their eyes, and there will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All these things are gone forever.”

Our SuperVerse today was written by the Apostle John. God gave him a revelation—revealing things not previously known about heaven and the events at the end of time. This is the meaning of the book of Revelation. We read the verse just before our SuperVerse to gain a better understanding of what was happening. John heard a shout from God’s throne declaring that God now was among His people. This reminds me of the very beginning of the Bible, when God had created a perfect world with no sin and suffering, where Adam and Eve enjoyed living in His presence! In God’s presence there is only love, goodness, and perfect peace.

What does our SuperVerse say will happen when God dwells with His people?

Are these things just removed for a short time? No, they are gone forever.

Let’s do an activity to learn our SuperVerse today.

Have children pair up in twos. Give each pair an envelope containing the SuperVerse Scramble cards. Have the pairs find a spot at a table or on the floor.

I will begin the activity by saying “GO!” Each pair will try to be the first to assemble the cards in the proper order to form the SuperVerse. When your group finishes, yell, “Revelation 21:4.”

Allow enough time for all pairs to complete the activity.

The verse we read earlier said that John heard a loud voice from the throne shout! Let’s read our cards in order and shout the SuperVerse together!

Now shuffle your cards again, turn them over, and work together to put the picture together as fast as you can! Ready? Go!