Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Grocery bag or pillowcase
  • Scissors
  • Stay or Go Cards

Make one copy of the Stay or Go Cards.

Cut the individual cards apart.

Scramble the cards and place them in the bag or pillowcase.

Our SuperVerse tells us that when Jesus comes again, the world will change. The things that cause sickness and death, pain and suffering will be gone forever! Let me read the words that come after our SuperVerse. Read Revelation 21:4b–5a nkjv:

“for the former things have passed away.” Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.”

“Former things” means that the world full of evil and suffering will be gone. Instead, there will be a perfect new world filled with God’s presence.

For this activity, you will pull out a card from this bag, read it aloud, then decide if it will go or stay when Jesus comes again!

Have one child at a time pull a card from the bag or pillowcase and read it aloud. Ask the child if what was read will stay or go when Jesus comes again. Ask the rest of the children if they agree and why. Then discuss what it would be like if that item went away or stayed forever.

Word key:

  • “Stay”: Peace, Health, Love, Joy, Praise and Worship, God’s Glory, Heaven, Light, Sinless, Whole and Complete.
  • “Go”: Pain, Suffering, Jealousy, Fighting, Sickness, Death, Bullying, Crying, Hatred, Darkness.

This world is filled with pain and suffering now, but we have faith and excitement for what is coming in the future when Jesus returns! God has given us His love and His Spirit while we are here on Earth, so we must share our faith and help others whenever we can.