Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Mission Spinner Pattern
  • Jesus Sign
  • Cardstock to make two spinners
  • Two metal round-head paper fasteners
  • Scissors
  • Optional: painters tape or masking tape
  • Two balloons, plus extras if they pop
  • Permanent marker

Use cardstock to make two copies of the Mission Spinner Pattern, one per team.

To assemble each Mission Spinner: cut out the game board and arrow, punch a small hole at each X, then attach the arrow to the game board with a metal round-head paper fastener.

Make one copy of the Jesus Sign. Make three copies if you are also planning to play the game, “Jesus—From Start to Finish” in Additional Activities.

Tape the Jesus Sign to the wall at one end of the room, or prop it against a wall or chair.    

Mark or tape a finish line about 1 foot from the Jesus Sign

Mark or tape a start line about 20 feet from the finish line.

Blow up two balloons and tie closed.

Using the permanent marker, write “Challenge” on each balloon.

Note: The Jesus Sign and the start and finish lines may be re-used for “Jesus—From Start to Finish,” an Additional Activity later in the lesson.

What was Joy doing in our Superbook video today? Helping others after a flood.

Why was it so difficult for her? Mosquitos, mud, overwhelming needs of people, being away from comforts of home.

When she left home to go help the people in that village, she may have felt happy and excited. But sometimes a task is more difficult than we expect, and we may have to deal with a number of difficulties and hardships. That is why it is so important to keep our focus on Jesus and draw from His strength to finish the assignment. Paul encountered many challenges along the way, but they did not stop him from accomplishing his mission. Instead of being distracted by the hardships, Paul focused on the Lord and the goal of completing the work God gave him.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I can accomplish God’s mission when I focus on Jesus.” 

Divide the class into two equal teams, then point to the Jesus Sign and the finish line.

The goal of this game is to travel to the Jesus Sign and the finish line. Along the way, let’s visit a few places where Paul went. That doesn’t sound like a difficult mission, does it? 

Hold up the Mission Spinners. But, there is one more thing. Like Paul, you may face some unexpected difficulties and hardships along the way. Every player will spin the spinner and find out what the challenge is before starting the mission. Hold up the balloons. You must do what the spinner says until you get the balloon to the finish line—then quickly walk back to your team and give the balloon to the next player. The next player can spin as soon as the first player leaves the start line. The first team to have all players complete their missions wins.

Hand a Mission Spinner and a balloon to the first child on each team. Be prepared to help children read the words and to assist those with special needs. Play until all children have had a turn, then discuss.

Were all of the challenges equally difficult? No!

Which one was the easiest? The one where we simply carried the balloon.

Why do you think we had different challenges? Because we will face different hardships on our missions.

Yes, sometimes our race or mission in life will be smooth; sometimes it will be more difficult. It may not seem fair that one person has an easy time while another person has a hard time. As long as we keep our eyes on Jesus, we will accomplish His purposes! Let’s learn more about Paul’s mission—and ours, too!