Leader Guide

Bible Study

  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard, chalkboard, or poster board
  • Marker or chalk  
  • Eraser

Write “ACTS” in large letters on the board and keep it there for the entire activity. Add and erase a chapter number for each question.

Divide the class into teams of two or three. Each child will need a Bible. Put a weaker reader on a team with a stronger reader, and be prepared to help any children with special needs. All passages are taken from the book of Acts, making it easier for children to participate. You may award points for each correct answer or not use points at all. 

In this activity, I will write a chapter number from the book of Acts that you will race to look up. Then, I will ask a question, and you will have to find which verse in that chapter has the answer. It may be a good idea for your team to split the chapter up, with each of you reading a different part so you can find the answer quicker. Once your team finds the answer, raise your hands. I will call on the first team to raise hands. You must answer immediately or I will call on the next team. All the verses we will look up contain information about the Apostle Paul’s life as he accomplished God’s mission for him.

Let’s all find the book of Acts right now. Where is it found in the Bible? In the New Testament, after the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. 

If the children are unfamiliar with the Bible, point out how each book has chapters and verses, and have them keep a bookmark in Acts for this activity. If the children are skilled in Bible usage, you may have them close their Bibles after each question is answered.   

Write the chapter on the board, then as they race to locate it in their Bibles, ask the question, repeating it as necessary. Each child should look up each scripture individually but then discuss answers with their team. Call on the first team to raise hands. They must answer immediately without hesitating, or you should move to the next team. After each answer, ask the other teams if they agree with the answer given or if they have a different answer. Discuss different answers, as they may vary depending on different Bible versions used. If children are having a difficult time finding an answer, tell them if the answer can be found in the beginning, middle or end of the chapter.


  • Chapter 9: Who appeared to Paul on his journey to Damascus?                            
    • Verse 5: The Lord Jesus.
  • Chapter 9: What mission did God tell Ananias that He was giving Paul?
    • Verse 15: Take the Gospel to the Gentiles, kings, and people of Israel—Jews.
  • Chapter 16: Paul had a vision from God. Where was he told to travel next?
    • Verse 9: Macedonia.
  • Chapter 16: What unusual thing did Paul and Silas do while in prison at about midnight?
    • Verse 25: Praying and singing hymns to God.
  • Chapter 18: While Paul was in the city of Corinth, what did God tell him in a vision?
    • Verses 9–10: “Don’t be afraid, speak out, don’t be silent!” God was with Paul, No one would harm him, there were many believers there.   
  • Chapter 19: What unusual items did Paul place on people to heal them by God’s power?
    • Verses 11-12: Handkerchiefs or aprons that had touched Paul.
  • Chapter 20: A boy died while Paul was preaching. Paul healed him! How did the boy die?
    • Verses 9-12: The boy went to sleep and fell out of a third-story window.
  • Chapter 26: King Agrippa said that Paul could have been set free or released if Paul had not done something—what was it Paul did?
    • Verse 32: Appealed to Caesar.

Pray: God, thank You for giving Paul the faith and courage to overcome so many hardships on his mission. Please fill our hearts with the power of the Holy Spirit to do whatever You call us to do in our lives. We praise You that we can do all things in Your strength! In Jesus’ name, Amen.