Leader Guide


  • Four large bath towels or rugs  
  • Optional: painters or masking tape 

Mark or tape a line near one end of the room to indicate Caesarea in Israel.

Mark or tape a second line about 15–20 feet from the other line to indicate Rome.

Let’s shout our SuperTruth today with our eyes closed. “I will not give up.”

Who remembers the name of the island where Paul came ashore after the shipwreck? Malta.

Paul had to travel a long way to Rome on a ship, didn’t he! He wasn’t on a vacation; he was a prisoner on his way to stand trial before Caesar. Even though Paul encountered many trials, he didn’t give up. He was determined to fulfill his mission to testify about Jesus in Rome.

Today we will play a game where we sail from the port of Caesarea in Israel to Rome. You will travel in pairs: one of you will be Paul, and the other will be Julius, the Roman army captain. He was kind to Paul on their journey and kept him from being harmed by other soldiers. Just like a ship’s crew, each pair must work together to make it to Rome.        

Divide the children into two teams, then have each child find a partner for the game. So no one feels left out, encourage children to pick partners they don’t know very well. 

If a team is uneven, have a helper play, or one player may play again. Each team is given two towels. Refer to the illustration for game play.

The first pair for each team will place the first towel on the floor just over the Caesarea line to begin their journey to Rome. Both players will step onto it: one in the front and one in the back. Then the player in front will place the second towel on the floor in front of the first towel. Both players will step onto the second towel. The player in the back will then pick up the first towel and hand it to the player in front, who will place it on the floor in front of the second towel. This is how each pair will travel to Rome. Be careful! Remember that Paul’s ship encountered bad storms and rough seas! So, if a player steps into the water—off the towels, the team must go back one towel length and start from there. When a team places a towel over the Rome line and both players step onto it, they have arrived safely! The players must then quickly carry both towels back to the next pair on their team. The first team to have all players arrive in Rome wins.

Conclusion: What great sailors you all are! You completed the journey to Rome safely! Let’s learn more about doing what is good and the harvest of blessings that our SuperVerse talks about!