Leader Guide

Object Lesson/Craft

  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • Three packets of seeds: vegetable, fruit and flower
  • Potted flower, vegetable or fruit plant
  • Optional: seeds, potting soil, plastic spoons, water, disposable cups, and zipper plastic bags, one per child, plus extras for visitors 

Optional: place some potting soil in each cup, one per child.  

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Galatians 6:9:

So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.

Hold up the packets of seeds. Have you ever planted seeds in a garden? What type did you plant?

The next day after you planted the seeds, did you find the fruit, vegetables or flowers growing tall and in full bloom? 

No, it doesn’t happen like that. It takes time; there are things that can affect the seed’s growth. The seeds must receive water and sunlight to grow. Too much or too little may affect the growth of the plant. Weeds can spring up and must be pulled. Sometimes animals or insects may damage your plants. You need to be patient and not give up. 

Doing what is good is like planting seeds—spiritual seeds. When we are obedient to God and go around doing what is good, we are planting seeds for a harvest of blessings. Like the seeds in the packet, we may experience difficulties and obstacles along the way as we try to do what is good. Remember all of the hardships that Paul experienced. Did he give up? No.

If we don’t give up, at just the right time, we will experience a spiritual harvest! 

Hold up the seed packet. Sometimes, we can be discouraged while waiting. You may need to look at the picture on the seed packet to remind yourself what you are waiting for! That can give us enough encouragement to wait for the harvest!   

Hold up the Bible. It is the same with doing what is good and planting spiritual seeds. If we grow tired or discouraged, we can look at the promises in the Bible and encourage ourselves that a harvest will come! We can read verses to remind us that we have received a free gift of salvation through Jesus, and our good works are a way to thank God for what He has done for us!    

Hold up the potted plant. The Bible says we WILL reap. There is no doubt about it.   

Read 2 Corinthians 9:6:

Remember this—a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop.

Let’s continue to plant seeds by doing what is good wherever we go and whenever we have the opportunity! The more we plant, the more we become a blessing to others and the greater the harvest of blessings we will reap! 

Optional: give each child a plastic spoon and some potting soil in a disposable cup. Show them how to use the spoons to plant seeds in their cups. Put a small amount of water in each cup—enough to moisten the soil and hold it in place, but not enough to make it soupy. Put the cups in the plastic bags, close, and have the children take their cups home as a reminder of the lesson. They should place their cups in a sunny window and water occasionally.