Leader Guide

Exchanging Game

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Four tennis balls, or any small rubber or plastic ball
  • Optional: marker Optional: towels
  • Optional: Write “P” on two balls and “W” on two balls.

In the SuperVerse, Jesus tells Paul that His power works best in weakness. Paul valued Jesus’ power so much that he even said he boasted or bragged to others about his weakness! We don’t usually brag about being weak—but Paul did! Paul knew that to accomplish God’s will, he would need God’s strength.   

In this game we are going to demonstrate trading or exchanging our human weakness for Jesus’ spiritual power! 

Divide the children into two teams. Each team will then divide in half again. Each half of the teams will stand about 12–15 feet directly across from the other half of their team—see illustration. Give both teams on one side a “W” ball for weakness. Give the teams on the other side a “P” ball for power. At your signal, the first two players on both sides of each team will roll and catch each other’s ball once on their turn. The player with a “W” ball shouts “My weakness” while rolling it to the other player. The player with a “P” ball shouts “His power” while rolling it. Players should only roll once per turn; however, if the balls collide or fall short from a weak roll, the players must retrieve the balls and roll them again.      

Once players complete their turn successfully, they will go to the back of the lines and the next two players on the teams take their turns. The first team to have all players finish wins.    

Optional challenge: for another round, place rolled up towels on the course to represent obstacles or hardships that must be overcome as the balls are rolled. 

Conclusion: That looked fun to me! We exchanged your weakness for Christ’s power! When we learn to trust in Jesus’ power and not our own, He can work through us to accomplish God’s plan for our lives.