Leader Guide

Drawing Activity

  • Markers and crayons
  • Tables
  • Painters or masking tape 
  • Roll of butcher paper or 3 poster boards per group  

Spread out sheets of butcher paper the length of the tables or the floor. Take precautions to protect carpet if working on floor.  

Use a marker to divide the butcher paper into three sections.

We saw in the video that an angel appeared to Paul as he prayed on the ship during the storm. The angel told Paul that he would make it safely to Rome to testify before the Roman leader, Caesar. After the shipwreck and then 3 months on the island of Malta, Paul finally set sail again for Rome. When he arrived, he was not put in prison. Instead, he was allowed to live in a house with a Roman guard, who made sure Paul didn’t escape. This is called “house arrest.” Paul was allowed to meet with other believers while he testified and preached about Jesus to all who came to see him. Refer to Acts 28 about Malta and Rome. The book of Acts ends with this statement about Paul:  

Read Acts 28:30–31:

For the next two years, Paul lived in Rome at his own expense. He welcomed all who visited him, boldly proclaiming the Kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ. And no one tried to stop him.

How gracious and amazing God was to bless Paul. Paul had the freedom to enjoy time with other believers while he testified of God’s goodness and power through Jesus Christ!  

Divide the children into groups of 4–6 children, based on class size. Have the groups do a progressive mural from three events in Paul’s journey: 

  • The ship in the storm.
  • Shipwreck on the island of Malta. Consider: swimming ashore, the fire and snake, prayer and healing of the leader’s father.
  • Ship arriving in Rome, Paul testifying or preaching to others while under house arrest.    

Or, if you prefer, suggest other scenes from the story of Paul that were interesting to your children. Afterward, allow children to share their scenes with the rest of the class.

Conclusion: Paul certainly faced many obstacles on his journey to Rome. During the storm, Joy said to Chris, “Paul’s faith never wavers—never.” In his natural body, Paul must have felt very weak as he faced one hardship after another, but his faith was anchored in Jesus’ strength and power, so he stayed true to his calling.