Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk 

Today, we are going to play a fun game as teams, and you will try to guess a secret sentence. I’ll draw a blank line for each letter in each word of the secret sentence, then I’ll give you a scripture reference containing the answer. The secret sentence may not include every single word you find in the scripture.  

Divide the children into two teams. Teams do not need to be even, but try to include some older children who are good readers on each team. Teams should alternate guesses to allow all players to participate. 

Begin by drawing short blank lines on the board—one for each letter of each word in the first sentence, to show the children how many words and letters are in the secret sentence. Leave a large space between each word. See the illustration for an example. 

Announce the general scripture passage for the first secret sentence. You may choose to write it on the board. If children are not strong readers, or if they cannot figure out the secret sentence, you may also announce the specific verse, which is listed after the general passage. 

Teams will alternate turns. A team’s turn lasts as long as they continue to guess correct letters. When a wrong letter is guessed, the other team begins play on that sentence. When a correct letter is guessed, write it in all occurrences of the sentence, as shown in the illustration. When an incorrect letter is guessed, write it on the side of the board under “Incorrect Letters” so teams can refer to the list for future guesses. 

If a team believes they can solve the sentence, they may try at any time, but only during their turn. If they guess incorrectly, they lose their turn and the other team is awarded five points—so be careful! The round then continues with the other team. 

Note: Wording of each sentence is based on the NLT. However, different Bible versions are similar enough to help solve the sentence. Once a team solves a sentence, they are awarded ten points. Write the blank lines for the next sentence on the board and begin play with the other team.

Sentences with letter counts for blank lines needed and scripture references.

  1. I(1) appeal(6) to(2) Caesar(6) Acts 25:1–12 / verse 11
  2. Everyone(8) reached(7) land(4) safely(6) Acts 27:27–44 / verse 44
  3. Sailing(7) had(3) become(6) dangerous(9) Acts 27:1–12 / verse 9
  4. They(4)  will(4)  receive(7)  forgiveness(11) Acts 26:12–23 / verse 18
  5. They(4) cannot(6) prove(5) the(3) charges(7) Acts 24:9–22 / verse 13 
  6. Paul(4) shook(5) off(3) the(3) snake(5) Acts 28:1–16 / verse 5 
  7. Paul(4) was(3) dragged(7) from(4) the(3) temple(6) Acts 21:27–36 / verse 30 
  8. You(3) must(4) also(4) testify(7) in(2) Rome(4) Acts 23:6–18 / verse 11

Conclusion: Great work solving the sentences! The more we use our Bibles, the more familiar and skillful we become with them. Paul faced a lot of difficulties, but he never gave up and he finished his mission for God!