Leader Guide


  • Sticky note   
  • Bible: NLT version
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard, marker or chalk
  • Eraser 

Write the SuperVerse on the board if it is not already there: Galatians 5:25:

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

Have the children stand side-by-side in a single row, facing the board so they can see the SuperVerse. 

Suppose you went to a band concert where all the musicians threw away their music and ignored the conductor. They all played whatever notes they wanted, whenever they wanted. How would that sound? Children answer.


It might sound funny for a minute, but it would not be pleasing to hear. Instead, all the musicians should follow their music and watch the conductor very carefully so they only play their instruments exactly when they should. The conductor will signal which instruments should play softly or loudly. The right instruments will play the right parts at the right time, and they will all make beautiful music together! 

In the same way, God has given us His Word to follow—like the band follows the music—and He wants to direct our lives. We want to watch God very closely to see how He is directing our lives so that we will please Him. 

Let’s work together like that for our SuperVerse today! Our “music” will be our SuperVerse on the board. I will be the conductor, and I will direct one person at a time to say just one word of the verse. You will have to watch me carefully, because you never know who I will choose next! 

First, let’s all read the SuperVerse together from the board. Galatians 5:25:   

Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives.

Now watch me closely as I direct you to say the SuperVerse, starting with the first word. At the end of the verse, we will all say the scripture reference together. 

Point to one child, who will say the first word, then point to another child in a different part of the line to say the next word, and so on. For younger children, you may go down the line in order. When the verse is finished, have the whole class say the reference: Galatians 5:25. Then begin again, going faster each time. Be sure not to leave out any children as you “direct” the verse.