Leader Guide

Review Game

  • True and False Question List 
  • True and False Signs
  • Two identical containers: pots, boxes, buckets, small trash cans 
  • Two different color socks   
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score
  • Painters tape or masking tape 

Make three copies each of the True and False Signs on cardstock.

Make a copy of the True and False Question List.

Tape a True Sign to a container and a False Sign to the other container.  

Place the containers on the floor. Leave some space between them. Place against a wall for bank shots if desired.

Roll each sock into a ball.

Tape a True and False sign set on the floor for Team 1 and Team 2, several feet from the containers.

Paul and Silas were led by God’s Spirit to share the Good News. Because of their faithfulness, many people were saved and set free from their sins! Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “We are saved by believing in Jesus.”   

We are going to play a true or false game to review the Bible story.

Step back and forth on the floor signs and then toss a sock as you describe the game.

This is a True and False question game where you will have not one, but two chances to score points for your team! You can score a point by answering the question correctly and another point by tossing a balled-up sock into the correct container. 

I will ask the same question to a player for each team. You will answer by standing on either the TRUE sign or the FALSE sign. That’s right; you don’t even have to speak! When both players are standing on their sign choice, I will reveal the answer. You score one point for a correct answer. Then, you will try to toss the sock into the container of the correct answer. So, if the correct answer is true, you score a point by tossing the sock into the True container. Even if you didn’t stand on the correct sign, you still have a chance to score a point! Let’s play!

Divide the children into two teams. If they are unequal, a player may take two turns.

True or False Questions

1. The Spirit prevented Paul and Silas from preaching in Philippi. (False—Asia)

2. Paul had a vision from a man to come to Macedonia and help them. (True)

3. In Philippi, Paul and Silas preached in the Temple and Synagogue. (False—riverbank)

4. Paul and Silas preached on the riverbank to men gathered for prayer. (False—women)

5. One of the women on the riverbank, who worshiped the Lord, was named Lydia. (True)

6. Lydia refused to believe the Good News that Paul preached. (False—she accepted what he said)

7. Lydia and her household believed and were baptized. (True)

8. Paul asked Lydia if Silas and he could stay in her home. (False—Lydia asked them to stay)

9. A fortune teller was possessed by an evil spirit that enabled her to tell the future. (True)

10. Silas cast the evil spirit from the fortune teller in Jesus’ name. (False—Paul did)

11. The masters of the fortune teller were happy the girl was set free. (False—they were angry)

12. Paul and Silas were beaten and then thrown into prison. (True)

13. Paul’s and Silas’s arms were put into stocks so they couldn’t escape. (False—their legs)

14. At around midnight, Paul and Silas began to pray and sing. (True)

15. The other prisoners could hear Paul and Silas praise God. (True)

16. When Paul and Silas sang, a thunderstorm shook the prison. (False—earthquake)

17. The earthquake opened the prison doors and the prisoners’ chains fell off. (True)

18. Paul and Silas ran out of the prison as fast as they could. (False—they stayed)

19. The jailer asked Paul and Silas what he should do to be saved. (True)

20. Paul and Silas told him to believe in Jesus and he would be saved. (True)

21. The jailer and his family were baptized after they believed. (True)

22. The jailer’s entire household was sad because they were saved. (False—they rejoiced) 


Conclusion: God made salvation simple for all to understand—just believe and be saved!