Leader Guide


  • Cuff and Chains Page
  • Freedom in Christ Page
  • Cardstock, one sheet per child
  • Scissors
  • Children’s scissors
  • Glue sticks
  • Pencils 
  • Empty paper towel rolls: two rolls per five children  
  • Gray and or silver crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers 
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Make one copy of the Freedom in Christ Page on cardstock in color or black and white, one per child plus extras.

Make copies of the Cuff and Chains Page, one per child plus extras. 

Cut out the individual chain strips of the Cuff and Chains Page ahead of time, or have the children cut them out in class.

Cut out five 2-inch rings from each paper towel roll. Each child needs two rings.

Cut each ring in half from end to end. Spread each ring slightly so it stays partially open.    

Optional: if not using towel rolls, cut out the Cuffs on the Cuff and Chains page. Cut out two inch strips as marked or children may cut them out. Each child needs two cuffs.

Gently roll each strip so it forms a “C” shape and stays in that form when released.  

Make a model of the craft to display in class.

Give a Freedom in Christ Page, pencil, and glue stick to each child. Give four 1 inch paper strips (chain links) and two cuffs (2 inch paper towel sections) to each child. Give several crayons, colored pencils, or markers, and scissors to share. Be prepared to assist any child with special needs.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “We are saved by believing in Jesus.”  


Yes, and what do we need to be saved from? Our sins.


Read Romans 8:2: 

And because you belong to Him, the power of the life-giving Spirit has freed you from the power of sin that leads to death.

Everyone has sinned. (See Romans 3:23.) When we believe in Jesus as our Savior, we are saved and He forgives our sins. The Holy Spirit then lives inside us and gives us the power to win the victory against sin. He sets us free! 

Who was set free in the prison? Paul, Silas, and the other prisoners.


Yes, we saw the physical chains and leg stocks broken; the prisoners were set free by the power of God. The chains that Jesus sets us free from are invisible spiritual chains that hold us back from living our lives fully to serve God.    

Display the craft model. Have children assemble their crafts using the following steps:

  • Color the strips and the cuff.
  • Loop and glue two sets of two chain links.
  • Loop a broken cuff to one loop of each chain set and glue it to the loop. 
  • Place glue in each “glue box” on the Freedom in Christ Page. Place a chain link from each set (end opposite the cuff) on the marks and press down a few seconds to make it adhere.
  • Optional: glue each cuff to the pattern.       
  • Have children write their names on the bottom of the page.  

Conclusion: Take your craft home as a reminder that Jesus Christ saves you and sets you free!