Leader Guide


  • Two blindfolds, sleep masks, bandanas
  • Poster board
  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • Objects to make two obstacle courses, such as chairs, tables, trash cans, brooms, and boxes—make sure they are safe, with no sharp edges
  • Scissors
  • Marker

Cut the poster board in half.

Draw a large cross on each half.

Tape or prop up each cross against a wall.

Create two fun obstacle courses in line with each cross. If you have a small class, one obstacle course is sufficient. Be sure nothing has sharp edges or is dangerous for the children. Use chairs, tables, buckets, brooms, etc. You can even have sixth grade helpers stand in place as obstacles if you do not have many objects.

In our video today, Joy was troubled after Jason was caught stealing in Chris’ house. Why was Joy concerned?

Did Chris feel the same way?

What did Chris see on his Superbook adventure that changed his mind about Jason?

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “No matter what I’ve done, God can save me.” Some people doubted that Saul could really change. They knew that Saul had hated Christians and wanted to put them in prison! Before Saul knew Jesus, he was spiritually blind, even though he could see with his eyes. He couldn’t see that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God. Then God blinded Saul on the road to Damascus. Jesus revealed Himself to Saul and spoke about Saul’s mission to preach the Gospel.

Think about how Saul must have felt on the road to Damascus when he saw that incredibly bright light and fell to the ground!

Read Acts 9:8:

Saul picked himself up off the ground, but when he opened his eyes he was blind. So his companions led him by the hand to Damascus.

Can you imagine suddenly going blind and not being able to finish the journey you were taking? The men with Saul had to lead him by the hand the rest of the way! We’re going to act as if we are Saul and his companions walking to Damascus.

Divide the group into two teams. Teams will play at the same time—each on a separate obstacle course. Blindfold the first player from each team and start the game. The second player on each team will lead the first player by the hand. Optional: you may have them lead without saying anything out loud. The “blind” players must weave their way around each obstacle in order, then touch the cross at the end of the path. There, the players “recover their sight,” take the blindfolds off, and walk quickly back to the beginning. The next two players take a turn, until everyone has played. The first team to have all players complete the course wins. Be prepared to help any children with special needs. If time allows, have each player take a turn being led and as the guide.