Leader Guide

Clue Game

  • Stone
  • Envelope, marker
  • Small plastic bag of dirt, sealed shut
  • Sunglasses
  • Blindfold
  • Gloves
  • Bowl of water
  • New Name Tag Pattern

Gather objects. You may substitute or omit objects due to availability. Adjust the presentation and group sizes accordingly.

Write “Damascus” on the envelope.

Place the objects around the room randomly, in plain sight.

Saul knew he had a long trip from Jerusalem to Damascus—but he didn’t know that it would change his life forever! Let’s pretend to be detectives looking for objects around the room that represent the important events of Saul’s journey.

For a smaller class, 8 or fewer, children can play as individuals. For a larger class, tell children to find partners they don’t know very well. For a very large class, divide it into 8 groups.

Name the first event on the list, and send the first child, pair or group to find the object that represents the event. Ask the class if they agree that the object found is correct. If the object is not correct, return it to where it was found and allow the pair to search again. Give hints if necessary, and be prepared to help children with special needs.

Below is a list of events from Acts 9 and the representative objects:

  • Stoning of Stephen—stone.
  • Letter giving Saul permission to persecute Christians in Damascus—envelope.
  • Road to Damascus—bag of dirt.
  • Jesus’ glorious appearance—sunglasses.
  • Saul’s blindness—blindfold.
  • Ananias laying hands on Saul—gloves.
  • Saul’s baptism—bowl of water.
  • Saul becomes known as Paul—name tag.

You are such good detectives to uncover all the clues related to Saul’s journey! Let’s repeat the SuperVerse, 1 Timothy 1:15, together:

This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief.

Saul was a perfect example of how Jesus came to save sinners—no matter what they had done in the past. Not only did God save Saul, He transformed him into a bold preacher of the Gospel! God loves each and every one of us, and nothing we have done or will do can separate us from His love. Think of your own journey to finding Jesus. What would you place around the room as clues?

Thank God for His love and forgiveness!