Leader Guide


  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • Table
  • Cookie cutter or plastic cup
  • Play dough, clay, or pie/cookie dough
  • Optional: flour to roll the dough in
  • Rolling pin or cylinder—such as a bottle

Make copies of the New Name Tag Pattern for any child who did not receive one previously.

A different Bible version of our SuperVerse, Romans 12:2, says:


Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind ...

The word conform means to shape or squeeze something into a pattern or standard. What do you think the pattern or standard is in our SuperVerse? The world.

Yes, God does not want us to behave and think like the world—people who don’t follow Jesus or God’s Word. Many of the world’s teachings and standards do not agree with God’s Word. The world will try to shape us and squeeze us into something outside of God’s will for us.

Hold up the lump of dough or clay.

We are like this dough—and this is what the world wants to do to us.

Smack the dough down hard onto the table, then begin vigorously rolling it with the rolling pin or cylinder.

The world wants to squeeze us into its idea of what we should be like. It wants us to conform to its standards and ways.

Hold up the cutter or cup.

Let’s say this is the pattern of the world.

Begin to stamp the cookie cutter or cup into the dough, making as many identical shapes as possible. Hold up one shape at a time.

You see, they are all the same shape. This is not God’s will for us. God didn’t plan for us to be like the world and follow its customs and standards. Paul wrote about this to the Galatian church.

Read Galatians 1:10:

Obviously, I’m not trying to win the approval of people, but of God. If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ’s servant.

Paul said that he wasn’t interested in conforming to the world’s ways and pleasing those around him. He wasn’t following the crowd to fit in! Paul’s mind was being renewed and his life was being transformed to serve and please Jesus! God changed Paul and gave him a new purpose. Paul’s life was turned upside down to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ! He knew God’s perfect will for his life and he was determined to fulfill it!

Yes, God created us to be unique and special. He made us in HIS image—to be like Him—not the world’s idea of what we should be like! He has a special plan for each of us.

Dramatically gather up all of the shapes and the extra dough, then combine them all into one big piece. Select five children to come up to the table. Hand each child a piece of dough or clay. Give them a few seconds to create any kind of shape they choose. For fun, ask the children to share with the class what their shape is or represents.

Each shape is different, special, and unique. The shapes that used to be molded by the world have been transformed and renewed!

Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins, to set us free from the world’s demands, and to give us new life. When we trust in Jesus, He makes us new and perfect in His sight. We cannot change ourselves, but He changes us by His power! He gives us a fresh start so we can begin again! Doesn’t that sound like what happened to Saul? That is exciting isn’t it? I don’t want to be conformed to the world and live in disobedience to God’s Word! I want God to shape me according to His Word and will! He has a special plan for each of us. He has placed gifts and talents in us for His service.

How can we be transformed; how do we renew our minds?

We are renewed by God’s Word like our SuperTruth says! Let’s say it together: “The more I read the Bible, the more I can become like Jesus.” We read God’s Word, and it comes alive in our hearts as the Holy Spirit reveals the meaning to us. God gives us His power and wisdom to apply His Word in our lives, so we know what to do and to say in every situation—if we ask Him!

We have been talking about being transformed into a new person to be like Jesus. This is only possible through the power of God’s Holy Spirit working inside us as we apply God’s Word in our daily walk.

Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application

Let’s talk about the Superbook challenge we began in the last lesson—our New Name Tags.

Show the sample New Name Tag to the children.

Last time, we each chose a godly quality that we would like to grow in our lives. Who remembers some of the good character qualities that we mentioned? Courageous, selfless, humble, obedient, kind, faithful, brave, patient, loving, caring, gentle, honest, bold, friendly, generous, trustworthy, diligent, wise, respectful, joyful, etc.

We wrote our special characteristic down on the inside of our New Name Tags to remind us to pray about how these special qualities can grow in our lives. Does anyone want to share how you saw that change working in your life since our last lesson? Allow time for students to share.

Who did not receive a New Name Tag last time?

Give a New Name Tag Pattern with optional magnet to each child who did not receive the challenge in the previous lesson. Tell children to follow the directions on the pattern to create their name tags.

Let’s all keep focusing on asking God to change us into His image, day by day.