Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Write the SuperVerse, Romans 12:2, on the board.

Today, we are going to demonstrate how the world can interfere with hearing God’s Word and His instructions. There are a lot of voices in this world that want to tell us what to do. Some are helpful, while others can be confusing, misleading, and even dangerous.

Choose one child to read the SuperVerse, three children to count from 1 to 30, three children to say the alphabet, and three children to recite the months of the year. If your class is small or large—add or subtract to the number of children in each group accordingly. The remainder of the class will be the listeners. Have the individual reader and the groups stand in front of the class, facing away from the class.

Okay, let’s all listen to the SuperVerse, please!

Have the reader and all groups start reciting at the same time. When the SuperVerse has been completed, stop all the groups from speaking.

Wow! I was starting to get a headache with all of that noise. Was it easy for you to hear the SuperVerse?

Why or why not?

It was hard for me to pick out the words with all of the other voices saying something different!

Have the reader repeat the SuperVerse without any other sounds in the room.

Now, who thought that was easier, raise your hands.

Sometimes there is so much activity and there are so many voices in the world that we can have trouble hearing God and knowing what His will and directions are for us. What are some things we can do to change that?

Yes, we can find a place where we can be alone with God and hear His voice each day. We need to find a place and a time to pray and read God’s Word. We also need to learn to tune out and ignore instructions and actions that go against God’s Word. Learn to listen and quietly hold God’s Word close to you. When we do this, we fight against being conformed to this world and instead are transformed to be more like Christ through the power of God’s Spirit and His Word!

Now, let’s all repeat our SuperVerse, Romans 12:2:

Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.